
Pirates Online

Pirates Online continues to be a very successful and enjoyable project! For those of you who haven't yet walked the plank we are delighted to be able to offer the project again next half term.

The aim of the project is to make use of the exciting and highly entertaining Shoofly poetry collection entitled ‘The Pirate's Chest and Other Body Parts’, which can be accessed through NorTLE. Some schools may wish to take this further and base a half term's work around this creative and cross curricular resource.

Anne Curtis, the director and creative genius behind Shoofly, has provided us with the scripts for the sessions and our team will run 6 online sessions for schools.

The online session, lasting approximately 20 minutes, commences with an introduction, responding to comments and sharing pupil work. Then there is a video episode from the fearsome Bonny Annie and finally tasks are set to be completed before the next session.

Aimed at Key Stage 1 and lower Key Stage 2, each session covers a range of different writing styles and is supported by additional activity materials for each week.

In the Autumn pupils and teachers posted comments and work to our Pirate Blog.

Here are some of the comments from the blog!

‘The pirate ideas have really helped with our writing. We have written stories, letters and wanted posters and this week we are going to write the pirate codes’

‘Today we have used 3D nets to make pirate ships and treasure chests.’

‘We made our HARD TAC yesterday and had fun putting our recipe together. In Literacy we looked at instructional writing and that helped us with our recipe. In Maths we have been using grams to find out how heavy things are. This made weighing all the ingredients for our SHIP’S BISCUITS much easier to understand.’

‘The Perran Crew just can’t believe this is the last week of our adventure. It’s been amazing; thank you all for letting us share it.’

If you want to get involved email Sue.Wild01@northumberland.gov.uk with your name, school, year group and the name of your scurvy crew!