Northumberland ICT & eLearning

Digital Leader Hub Event

We held our first Northumberland Digital Leader Hub this year with 9 schools and around 100 pupils attending. A huge thank you to staff for bringing your pupils along.
Eastlea Primary School
Cragside Primary School
Burnside Primary School
Amble First School
Rothbury First School
Meadowdale Academy
Malvin's Close Primary
Croftway Primary School
Stephenson Memorial Primary School
During the day we explored a range of resources and activities to take back to school and introduce to others. We focussed on:
Learning to code 
Green screen and iMovie projects
Programming with Ozobots
It was a fantastic chance to collaborate with pupils from other schools and share our knowledge and expertise.
The NCC Digital Leaders Hub will be available to SLA 1 schools  in the next academic year. Events will be taking place in the Tweedmouth and Hexham areas.
More details to follow.
To register your interest, please contact