Northumberland ICT & eLearning

SLA3 - Online Safety


Pupil and Staff safety online is a paramount issue for us in Northumberland and over the years we have built up a range of strategies for promoting and developing online safety in schools and to support schools in their role of monitoring and reporting activity on their networks.  


ICT SLA 3 provides: 

  • Whole school online safety training;
  • Whole school cyber awareness training;
  • CEOP training for Staff and Governors;  

  • Access to the Northumberland Online Safety support website which includes advice and resources covering a range of topics including developing your curriculum, filtering and monitoring and supporting parents and carers.

  • Access to the Northumberland Online Safety Audit which allows schools to assess their approach to online safety, identifying what they're doing well and where improvements could be made, tracking efforts and actions over time.
  • Automated monthly network reports to Senior Leadership Teams in schools;  

  • Network monitoring and custom website blocking software - including the provision of Senso provided free in the SLA (normally £1000 - £1500 per site);  

  • Support and technical guidance in investigating incidents;
  • Clear procedures for dealing with incidents should they occur;  

  • Half termly online safety updates and guidance;  

  • Individual visits, guidance and support in dealing with an online safety incident; forensic capability to analyse and inspect computer equipment; 

  • Lightspeed MDM licenses for iOS devices to schoolsThis is allows the central deployment of apps and settings to ensure devices are setup appropriately for classroom use.