Northumberland ICT & eLearning

SLA2 - School360


School 360 is a unique online learning platform developed collaboratively by the ICT & e-learning team and ShooFly Publishing. The online learning platform provides a number of key tools and resources including:  


  • unique bank of resources and Apps developed by the ICT & e-learning team and ShooFly publishing;  

  • Integrated Google accounts including Gmail, calendar, Drive, Docs and Classroom;  

  • Classroom management, behaviour and rewards system;  

  • An early years pupil logon, interface and learning journal including a teacher and parent app;  

  • Class registration which feeds directly into your MIS; 


A full range of 3rd party Applications are included, for example:

All teacher and pupil accounts are generated via a link to your MIS. Users can then access all of the above with a single set of login details. 

Phone and email support for School360 is provided in the SLA, including basic set up and dealing with any issues.  Schools can access full training and guidance in using School360 and making best use of resources via SLA1.


We work closely with schools in developing School360 and this includes developing new tools like those for Early Years, but also changing its look and feel.  This year we have been particularly pleased with the development of the Early Years Learning Journal and parent app, developed with the support of Early years teachers working in Northumberland.